18-month Pippa

Pippa is an absolute scream! She's talking and running and doing. Almost in the same breath as someone says she's cute or pretty, they say she is so independent. That's our girl! She will go to the ends of the earth to have an experience (Like when we went drove monument valley a few weeks ago after Grandad's funeral). But the car ride can be brutal!

Walking around the house she is such fun! She has a sweet presence and has fun every morning playing with Hunter in their room before it’s time to get up. She cuddles close to read a lot
Highly logical and methodical and can execute that with motor skills and stacking. Claps and claps for herself when she does her block box but less so now, but also a lot less frustrated
Whether it's a pumpkin or a bucket or a heavy book, Pippa wants to lift things and do it herself! We tell people she is 1 year old going on 5 because she wants to be able to do just what Hunter is. She is an avid climber and scales all of the 12-year old structures, with me spotting of course. We had to lower the crib because she could climb out onto the changing table and now she can't be in a porta crib because she can scale the mesh! ladders, step stools, beds, couches, she climbs it all.
Pippa does chores too without asking. She'll take her own diaper and others scraps to the trash, saying "trash!" She wants to help put away silverware and be near when I'm making dinner. She tries to put laundry in the machine and will take her clothes to the hamper if asked. She feeds herself very well with a spoon and fork. She wants to help fold the laundry and feels quite satisfied with the job she has done. If she sees us brushing our hair or showering or brushing our teeth she wants in. Her thing lately is to hear the shower start and run to it and start tearing off her clothes to get in, usually with Philip showering before work. It's just the cutest! It has been fun in the warm weather to leave Pippa and hunter sitting in their chairs on the front porch just enjoying the sun, while I run in to the bathroom or to get a drink. They're just living life together! Pippa knows how to join into Hunter's fun of playing in the hose or in the dirt, and Hunter knows how to help Pippa.

Pippa has a love hate relationship with the car. She gets stoked to play in the car, push all the buttons and get her fingerprints everywhere. This is something we just do from time to time. She is not a fan of the carseat. It can be torchure to have her in there for just a little while. She on the other hand loves the stroller and it is something we are using more as Hunter is in school and we have more precious time just the two of us.

The talking has really taken off. She was talking about birthdays, and halloween and trick or treat and candy. She asks for her grandparents by name and has our immediate family names down pat. But sometimes she gets confused at who "me" is!
Pippa loves her family for sure. She is crazy about Daddy and Hunter and is pretty needy for me especially when she is tired. Hunter never had a preference, but Pippa has a opinions as we have known from the very beginning. She had an ok start to nursery (she has only been 2x) but the first time when she heard a baby cry she cried too. She does cry for "mommy" and its just not something I remember hunter doing. I have always said that even though Pippa isn't super cuddly, she will give serious hugs and kisses to all of us every day, when she is really feeling it. When we're done praying she'll blow kisses saying "mah!" she likes to make sure she is holding hands while we pray and you can tell she feels that connectedness deeply. Hunter and Pippa dont really like hugging people that aren't their family. Pippa even will not feel in the mood to hug hunter which bums him out. But she loves hugging him in the morning and seeing their embrace and how happy it makes the pair of them makes my heart shoot through the roof.
Pippa used to prefer no help or touching to go to bed. Now she likes to lay her head on my shoulder and let me sing to her. In fact, she needs it. It is nice to have this for her, since she kicked the binky habit a few months ago (that was rough!). It was a wubanub that had a stuffed animal attached to it. She still doesn't like stuffed animals but she likes climbing into our sweaters and robes while we're in them and cuddling up. She loves her soft blanket and made up her own sign for blanket and sleep which seem to be one and the same (her hand on her face). she'll grab both blankets sometimes when I have to wake her up to pick up hunter from school.

It has been a real treat to take her to the Spanish language story time each week at the library and she really digs the music. She sits on my lap being a little nervous to branch out sometimes but enjoys the puppets and props and songs. "chocolate!" is her favorite. it's a lively fun Time for us to be together and I like her exposure to spanish.

Pippa with her golden curly hair, tan skin and sweet tank top dresses and clear jelly sandals with painted pink toes always wanting to wear hats and snack on berries will always epitomize my 18 month babe. Sunkissed and biking and swimming and dancing and drenched in summerness, with her sweet shoulders and elbows exposed. Her hair always done up and her eagerness to put on her sweet gold bracelet that perfectly snugs around the chub on her wrist. Pippa is my spring baby but right now I feel like she is the epitome of summer perfection to me, because she made summer so dang fun and cute. I hadn't had a summer in a couple of years with the bar exam and pregnancy and trying to get pregnant and having a newborn. She really is my summer love and we loved it together. Long days and warm nights and picnics in the living room and sitting on the porch.
