Hunter and Trinity Preschool

 Hunter’s first day and last day of Trinity preschool
Hunter’s first day and last day of Trinity preschool
 Hunter’s best school friend, Titus. He was the first friend he made at school and the rest was history. I think there was a kind of big bother/little brother connection here.
Hunter’s best school friend, Titus. He was the first friend he made at school and the rest was history. I think there was a kind of big bother/little brother connection here.
I have been thinking a lot about how grateful I was for Hunter’s year at Trinity. It was a great pre school for him. It was play-based, the teachers were so invested in him, there were so many adults around because it was a co-op. The teachers were great to be around, and not just if you were a kid. But as an adult as well. I learned a lot about being with 3 year olds just from watching them. It made me feel guided and calm about how I was helping Hunter. It really was a calm, open ended, loving experience at school. And Hunter loved the days when I would co-op. For most of the year Pippa would be with me too, which made it a family affair. Hunter started out the year totally adjusted to school and I think learned only a minimal amount. But I was grateful to leave Hunter with teachers and people who besides me and Philip provided love and support on a day-to-day basis. It meant the world to me. Even though I didn’t create great connections with the community there – I felt a little disconnected because I didn’t own a home and everyone was busy with their own lives- I felt it really was a cozy place to have Hunter’s first school experience and he really liked it. They did volcano stuff for him and knew how much he loved purple and baseball and called him a leader and empathetic child. He really set the bar high for that class and was an amazing contributor. I was so proud of all he did. Even at the end of the year when he had a hard time being left - I think he started getting bored because trinity was too simple at the end- I was proud with how he coped. I loved being with him in class (and Pippa too) and next I loved when he would cheerfully say goodbye “Bye Mom! I’ll miss you!”
We left trinity feeling really great about the year spent there. The teachers were amazing. You could really talk to them. The classroom was usually free reign but always orderly. It was a calm place to take my child 2x a week and because I co-oped I learned a lot about the 3-4 year old milestones. These kids change a lot from 3 to 4. The thing is though that Hunter went into the threes nearly 4 and already “ahead” of everyone. He was able to say goodbye to us without crying (he would always give us a very affectionate goodbye and shout at us across the parking lot). He listened easily, was an eager participant, appreciative and helpful. All on day 1. As we left preschool the teachers Mrs. Wayman and Mrs. Perata said he was more than ready for kindergarten. They just loved having him in the class. He said kids in the class looked up to him and to one kid in particular, Titus, who was his first and preferred friend. They said Hunter was almost like an older brother to him. Our trouble is now how to help a kid who is so physically, socially and emotionally advanced?? Such a happy “problem” to have. 
 Trinity field trip.
Trinity field trip.

 End of school photo
End of school photo
