Jolly holiday!

Is there anything like a kid at Christmas? I didn't really understand the meaning of this statement until this year. Hunter is just at the perfect age to be absorbed in the magic of Christmas, without anyone trying hard at all to get him excited. Christmas has been a month of eager anticipation that I can only remember ever feeling in my own a kid at Christmas! I feel like the memories of my childhood are foggy but so many Christmas memories are crystal clear. It is so fun to think that Hunter is building those memories now. His enthusiasm is such fun to watch and Pippa, who might not otherwise think too much about Christmas either way, really bandwagoned on Hunter's excitement. I had forgotten that Hunter at her age had a super simple view of Christmas and didn't need much of it to have enough. Pippa caught the wave of Hunter's excitement about "Santa" and "chocolate" and the advent calendar. They truly could share in the excitement togeth...