
Showing posts from October, 2019

Meet the Flintstones!

For yet another year, Philip so deservingly gets the credit for coming up with an amazing family costume idea. The Flintstones! Pippa has been running around with a ponytail on top of her head for a couple of months, which made us think of Pebbles. Hunter is crazy about dinosaurs, so being the pet dinosaur Dino (a purple one no less!) was a great fit for him. Philip busted out his DIY skills to make my Wilma necklace, the Pebbles bone, the tail, collar and shirt for Dino. He pulled out all the stops- and I did too getting all the stuff on Amazon!, and staying up super late the night before the Weil Halloween party to get it all done because Philip had to work late. It really Is so much work and focus to make Halloween happen...but feels all worth it to see the fun the kids had at the Weil party and even trick or treating on Halloween night. The first people that saw us walk into the Weil Halloween party said “oh look you guys are going for first place again!” And it really was clear t...

Hunter's Golden Birthday

Dear Hunter hoo, Hunter boo : )  We call you pet names less and less now, but you are still my Hunter boo! I love you so. Wow, this year is your golden birthday, where the age you turn is the day of the month you were born. October 5 though is always a golden birthday, seriously. It is such a beautiful, golden time of year- especially thinking of where you spent your first year of your life in Virginia. But this  is a birthday that will serve you well no matter where you live in the world. The time of year is amazing. You being the oldest in your grade has put you in a really incredible position of being the smartest and the biggest, even though you might have been the smartest and the biggest as the youngest in your class. The whole world this time of year is a glow from the joy of summer, the promise of fall and the weather changing. This is the season for my Hunter and I just love it.  There are so many reasons you are excited to have a birthday- presents! Treat...